Tuesday, March 31, 2009

CCA Activity, Team Building - 31st March 2009

Salam. Today was our first CCA activity with the Lower Sixth Members.
I will report properly about this activity tomorrow. (Due to a hectic scheldule).

Basically, we do a lot of team building with the lower six members, we might call it as Ice-Breaking. We did a head count for the lower six members from one to five repeatedly. Then divide them into 5 groups according to the number they've shouted.

The 5 groups are:

Group 1 - DNA
Favorite Color: Red
Guiders: DNA and Hafiiz

Group 2 - The Beetles (sp?)
Favorite Color: Blue
Guiders: Hafsah and Nurul Afizah

Group 3 - The Smarties
Favorite Color: Orange
Guiders: Zahid and Walijah

Group 4 - Sunshine
Favorite Color: Yellow
Guiders: Afiqah Azimah and Nureen (please confirm on this)

Group 5 - Dragonballz
Favorite Color: Green
Guiders: Memet, Fathul, Duan and Asyraf


We introduce and welcome them to our club. We introduce ourselves to them, stating our names and our posts.

Divide them into 5 groups.

Ice Breaking.
This is where the lower sixth members are asked to introduce themselves to their other group mates. This is also where the guiders get to know their "anak buah". Also, during the ice breaking is when they decided to put their group names in.

Balloon Train Race.
The Balloon Train part is pretty self-explanatory. They race with balloon placed in front of their group mates. The front group mate will be picking up the bottle, tin, plastic cup, spoon and straw during the race. They must not let the balloon pop.

Main objectives of the game:
To promote teamwork.

Balloon Fight.
Also self-explanatory, where each group must pop the balloons of their opponent group. The group mates must protect each other balloons from being popped by other groups.

Main objectives of the game:
To have fun. =)

Lower Sixth Members are dismissed.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

PTEM 8th Meeting - 30th March 2009

The 8th Formal Meeting will be held:
Time: 2.30-3.30pm
Venue: (will be informed on the day)

During this meeting, we will be welcoming the new selected volunteers. We're going to tell them about their roles in our club. Also we will inform them their first task or activity.
Then, the volunteers will be dismissed.
The AJK Members is asked to stay so as to discuss the upcoming CCA activity with the Juniors.
Brainstorming for activities or maybe even activities trip.

At 2.40pm, the meeting has started by the recital of Doa with our Head Religious / Vice President, Daniel Amni.

Our president, Khairul Amali welcomed and congratulated the selected volunteers for having to go through the interviews. He introduced the high committees and head of departments to the volunteers. Then, he explained the roles of the volunteers in the Adventure Club. It is decided that they don't have to come to our CCAs activities unless we asked them for helps.

At 2.55pm, all the volunteers are dismissed and the AJK members are asked to stay back to discuss about tomorrow's CCA activity and Extreme Challenges.

At 3.20pm, after brainstorming for the CCA Activity and Extreme Challenge all the AJK Members are dismissed except for the High Committees and certain members to discuss elaborately on our activities for the entire year.

At 3.45pm, the meeting is dismissed.

*sorry no pictures, we lack of photographers as they are busy.
*but will post pictures of our CCA activity for tomorrow




"Take the risk!"


Thursday, March 26, 2009

PTEM and PTEK - Hiking activity 25th March

PTEM and PTEK first collaboration actvity.
It's a hiking activity held on 25th March 2009. At Bukit Shahbandar.
Adventure Club ; Never Give Up

"Take the risk!"

"Nothing can stop us!"

Photo courtesy : Aisyah Jaafar.

PTEM Food Sale - 5th March 2009

We had our Food Sale on 5th March 2009, Thursday. All of our food is stashed away in the Students' Council Room. So that it will keep the sushis and kimbaps (sp?) fresh.
AJK Members having PS during Block 1 are asked to prepare for the Food Sale event i.e bringing the food from the room to the place that they set up, handling the food and etc.
There's also a table set up near the food stall, for registration of the Lower Six and Upper Six Volunteers, for which our Photography department; Zahid and Waie has prepared the slideshows showing our club's main objective and activities.
The proceeds during the food sale was $281.60.
Adventure Club; Never Give Up!
"Take the risk"


P/S: Sorry duan, I just have the urge to post this picture up. HEHEHE. Sorry yeah.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

PTEM's Photoshoot of Last Day in PTEB

As you all know that PTEB has gone to PTEM, so all of our AJK Members are asked to come to the photoshoot to mark the fact that our batch is the last one in PTEB and the first batch in PTEM. Adventure Club, NEVER GIVE UP!
elek shaaaa~~~

PTEM's Adventure Club Volunteers Interview

On 12th March 2009, the Adventure Club has held its interviews for the volunteers. Out of 75 registered volunteers, only 41 had come to the interview, so the remaining 34 is considered cancelled from joining Adventure Club. Out of 41 that has been interviewed, 38 has been chosen. There's not many pictures taken. So, just enjoy it.

Hey guys. I've made a blog for our Adventure Club! Yippee guys!
If you want to edit the layout or something, just tell me OK? I'll invite you. This is DNA, btw, I'm going to manage this blog and I will ask Hazimah Din to also manage this blog.

Adventure Club NEVER GIVE UP!

"Take the risk!"

P/S; Guys, please leave your links up the chatbox, if you want to be linked.

BTW, to PTE Katok Members, siapa yang sanggup kan mau share blog and post all of your events in this blog, dipersilakan. Just leave your email and I'll invite you.